Be Clear About What You Want


Most of us fail to realize that you have to know “What You Want In Order To Get What You Want”.  Some of you’ll are probably looking at your computer screen wondering, “What Does Being Clear About What You Want” , have to deal with “Knowing What You Want In Order To Get What You Want” .  Than some of you, honestly just don’t understand the concept and meaning behind” You have to know what you want in order to get what you want”. Which is ok, that’s why I’m here to help enlighten, you and help you. But there is one thing I can promise you that after you finish reading this article you will understand the tools to help you get what you want.  There are three people in the world: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. Here’s the truth: People who get what they want tend to be the ones who make the effort to know what they want.

I had to sit back and examine which category I fell under and why? After doing some soul-searching I realized that before you can manifest what you want in life, you must have a clear vision of what that is. For years, I was unfocused about what I wanted in life.  I found myself always looking at other people wondering what they were doing, and how they were living there life to the fullest.  Right then and there I started to ask myself: What are these individuals doing to be so successful?  How did they get there? Last but not least: Why is it that, every time I look around the people around me are evolving but I’m still in the same position I was in last year. After spending sometime soul-searching and trying to get out of my own way. I realized I was a person who watched things happen and wonder what happened. As a result, the world I created reflected that confusion. And boy was it frustrating! But as soon as I gave myself the time and space to craft a clear vision of what I wanted, things started to change, and they changed fast.

I first remember what my parents always told me “Everything begins by taking a 100% responsibility. If you are not willing to take responsibility for every single thing that’s happening to you in life, then you are only diluting your chances for manifesting a life of total abundance.”When my parents said that to me, I heard what they said but I didn’t understand completely the message they were trying to get across to me.  As I matured I understood   there was a difference between listening and actually understanding. Once you have acknowledged the greatest secret the next step is to then decide what you really want from life. Here is something extremely critical for you to do. Our biggest mistake is losing focus of ourselves which many of us  have fell victim  of  making other people happy at our own expense and right when that happens you have lost track of what will satisfy your interest and needs. So at the beginning of the  year, I made a commitment to bettering myself,  and I was going to start by clarifying my desires.  Once I understood ,I am capable of making only small moves towards my  personal improvement,  I find  it helpful to break down the process of clarifying desire into steps. I call them the four Ps: Pushback, Possibilities, Preferences, and Pinpointing. Let’s consider them, but first I want you to  marinate on what I said , and  find out what category you fall under . Remember there are three people in the world: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. Here’s the truth: People who get what they want tend to be the ones who make the effort to know what they want. Which one are you?


SimplyTheDime Xoxo

Thank-you for taking the time out to read my blog , I really appreciate the love and support . As always my mission is to help inspire others with the knowledge I have gained .  Be looking forward to The Four P’s that will be posted later on this week . If there are any topics you would like for me to discuss or blog about please don’t hesitate  to let me know. Make sure you follow this blog , and again thank-you for all the support .

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